

👉Foreign Key Constraint

Foreign Key represent relationships between tables.

A foreign key is a column or group of columns whose values are derived from the primary key or unique key of some other table.

The table in which the foreign key is defined is called Foreign table or Detail table.

The table that defines the primary or unique key and is referenced by the foreign key is called the Primary table or Master table.


1)Master table cannot be updated if child records exists.

2)Records cannot be inserted or deleted into a detail table if corresponding records in the master table do not exist.

3)Records of the master table cannot be deleted if corresponding records in the detail table already exist.

👉On Delete Cascade

If this option is set, a delete operation in the master table will trigger a Delete operation for corresponding records in all detail tables.

If the On Delete Set Null option is set, a Delete operation in the Master table will set the value held by the foreign key of Detail tables to null. Refer Fig 1 as shown below.

👉Foreign Key at column level

👉Foreign Key at table level

       Fig 1

👉Naming Constraints

When constraints are defined, database engine assigns a unique name to each constraint.
The convention used by Oracle is Sys_Cn where n is a numeric value that makes the constraint name unique.
Constraints can also be given a unique user-defined name along with the constraint definition.
A constraint can then be dropped by referring to the constraint by its name.


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